Calendar of Events:

General Membership meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of each month at 8pm

September through June 

at the Trinity Lutheran Church

2103 Rt 6, Brewster, NY



Friday, February 3, 2023Grand Marshal Installation Dinner - Installing Pat O'MalleyParade Reps: Jim Dolan, Ed McDowell, Jim Scully
Sunday, March 12, 2023Northern Westchester St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Rt. 6, Mahopac - Grand Marshal, Pat O'Malleywww.saintpatricksday
Saturday, March 25, 2023St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance - Honoring Emerald of the Year Catherine Cioffi Chairperson, Dympna Zazzero
Sunday, May 21, 2023Putnam County Feis - Putnam Park Gipsy Trail, Carmel, NY Feis Honorees: James and Mary DolanChairpersons: Karyn Oster and Beth Carey
Friday, June 9, 2023Last meeting before summer breakPresident, John Shanley
Sunday, August 20, 2023Annual Picnic at Putnam Veterans Memorial Park. Open to all members in good standing and their family. President, John Shanley
Monthly Events
1st ThursdayExecutive Board Meeting: Officers & Board membersPresident, John Shanley
2nd FridayGeneral Membership meeting starts at 8:00pmPresident, John Shanley